1 Line Happy Diwali Status For Whatsapp & Facebook
Viral Stories
October 7, 2017

[stextbox id=’custom’]Wishing you a year rich with wisdom, light and love… Happy Diwali[/stextbox]
[stextbox id=’custom’]On this diwali, I am sending you a diya of my love, I hope you will keep it lighted forver.[/stextbox]
[stextbox id=’custom’]The festival of lights is just around the corner, wishing you all a very Happy Deepavali.[/stextbox]
[stextbox id=’custom’]Diwali night is full of lights, may your life be filled with colors and lights of happiness. Happy Deepavali![/stextbox]
[stextbox id=’custom’]Let me make your Diwali more colorful with the lights of wishes of my heart. Happy Diwali..[/stextbox]
[stextbox id=’custom’]Lets fill our home with prayers and lights not with fumes and crackers – Happy Green Diwali[/stextbox]
[stextbox id=’custom’]Har ghar mein ho ujaala, aaye naa kabhi raat kali, Har ghar me mane khushiya, har ghar me ho Diwali.[/stextbox]
[stextbox id=’custom’]May you live your life like the festival of Diwali, happy healthy and wealthy. A Very Very Happy Diwali..[/stextbox]
[stextbox id=’custom’]Happy, Happy Diwali! I hope the day has been blessed with the presence of those you love most, and many magical moments![/stextbox]
[stextbox id=’custom’]Sun glows for a day; Candle for an hour; Matchstick for a minute; But a wish glows forever.[/stextbox]
[stextbox id=’custom’]On this great day I wish you a very wonderful happy diwali and may god help you every time in your life..[/stextbox]
[stextbox id=’custom’]The happiest of wishes for a Deepawali, that will be happy in every way for someone like you.[/stextbox]
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